Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring in Scotland

I spent a wonderful day with Alicia and baby Darien seeing some of the local sites in search for spring flowers, snow drops, daffodils, crocus, etc. Our first stop was at Castle Fraser. There are lovely walking trails around the grounds of most of the castles in Scotland. We enjoyed a crisp sunny walk filled with creeks, flowers and no one in sight.
Our next stop was at an ancient stone circle called East Aquhorthies Stone Circle. It was a bit windy but we did manage to have a very pleasant picnic, that is until Darien woke up.. poor little guy just wanted to be held, so I stepped up and took him for a walk around the stone circle so that Alicia could finish her lunch. I don't think she gets many meals eaten at a single sitting so I thought it would be a nice change for her. Plus it gave me a little experience for when my new nephew joins us.
Our last stop brought us back to Crathes Castle, a site I had visited with my dad over Christmas. What a difference a few months and no snow makes. Some flowers were in bloom but there is evidence that in the next few weeks there will be hundreds of daffodils in bloom on the grounds. A sight I will have to go back to see.

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