Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

It's definitely looking like winter these days in Aberdeen. We've received 2 major snow storms since I moved here 5 weeks ago. Knowing that I won't be here forever makes me appreciate winter and I've actually enjoyed watching the snow fall. I was able to get a more "snow worthy" vehicle. It drives like a tank but definitely does the job!

My dad arrived safe and sound on Christmas eve. We haven't been able to get out and about yet to do some site seeing due to the fact that I've been having to work. Such is the life of an operations geologist. We've got 3 more days together and I am determined to get out and start exploring my new home. Keep your fingers crossed that it happens. We did manage to walk around some of the more elite neighborhoods on Christmas day and I've posted the pictures from that walk on my Picasa site. I'll try to keep the pictures coming but can't promise anything. I have a very long list of places to go and sites to see. I hope that work doesn't keep me from my list for long. Enjoy the rest of the holiday season!

1 comment:

Erin said...

What a great picture of you and your dad!! I hope you both had a very merry Christmas!