Tuesday, November 30, 2010

1 Week down and 51 more to go...

The first week in Aberdeen has gone off without too many issues. I arrived Saturday the 20th with 4 very large bags and 2 carry on's. After waiting in the Que for a taxi for about 45 min, the driver loaded all of my stuff and made a quick stop at the Marathon office to get the keys to my flat before delivering me to my final destination at 82 Queens Road. Right off the bat the flat was ice cold! I had to figure out how to turn on the boiler system so that I could get heat but it wasn't really that bad. Took a quick shower and then met the Avis guy to get my rental car. Made a rather long trip to the grocery store, picked up some food and other necessities for the flat and called it a day!

The first week of work went by very quickly and I think I am going to fit in here very well. My new job seems very exciting and there are some high hopes for what I may or may not be able to achieve while I'm here.. I think I will have to keep reminding myself that this is only for a year, give or take a month or so. There is a ton of work to be done and I am sure I will be working many late hours to try and meet my own personal goals.

This past Saturday I was fortunate to get a free ticket to the Scotland vs. Samoa Rugby match and tried to keep warm as I watch my very first rugby game. It was rather fun and I do think I will make it out to more matches. On Sunday I had planned on venturing out to get more supplies for the flat and stock my kitchen now that I had a better idea of what life outside of the office would be like. That plan did not happen. My rental car, a little 4 door Peugeot got stuck in the snow! Did I mention that it started snowing here this past Tuesday and hasn't stopped snowing since! It snows off and on with the in between times of sunny blue skies. The car is back in it's parking spot at my flat after spending the day in the middle of my parking lot, but in the end the Peugeot will be going back to Avis and I will have a new rental car starting tomorrow! I'm super excited because I will be back in a Land Rover!! I think they are bringing me a Defender 110 but won't know for sure till tomorrow.

Anyway here are a few things that I have learned since moving to Scotland…

In order to have packages delivered you have to pay the VAT on any shipping from outside the UK

They don’t plow streets when it snows unless it is a major road

They don’t plow sidewalks… the city of Aberdeen thinks that this is the responsibility of the person living at each residence where the residents believe that this is the responsibility of the city….

It takes anywhere from 1-2 weeks to get your TV set up but it takes 2-3 weeks to get your phone and Internet… and the technician says that he will call you on your home phone to tell you when they are coming to set it up.. uuuhhh hello!!! I don’t have a phone, hence why you are coming to my flat!!

You have to pay 140GBP to watch any TV in the UK!!

So Cheerio for now!

For the Rugby pictures:

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