Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hogmanay 2012

Hogmanay is what Scottish people call New Year's Eve.  Since this is probably my last one in Scotland I wanted to check another item off my bucket list.  The Fireball Festival in Stonehaven.  Stonehaven is located about 30 min south of Aberdeen on the eastern coast of Scotland.  There was a group of 9 that were all here for new year's eve and we decided to head south.  

The origin of the fireball festival (from their website: http://www.stonehavenfireballs.co.uk/about).

"Processions with flaming torches and kindling of fires on certain days of the year can be traced back to the Middle Ages all over Europe and, indeed, their origin must be sought in ancient times, long before the spread of Christianity. Proof of the existence of such customs in Europe is furnished by the attempts made by Christian synods as far back as the 8th century to put down what were called heathenish rites."

Sounds like a great time, right?  Well it was!

Freezing our arses off!

Kristal dancing to stay warm

Flinging some flame

To view the entire album


Graciela said...

WOW! Looks exciting!
Last one?

Unknown said...

Well Hogmanay 2013 will be spent on a boat on my way to the South Georgia Islands and then I'll probably be leaving Scotland... so yeap, last one :)