Tuesday, June 9, 2009

April Field Training in South Carolina

Sorry it's been a while since my last blog. A lot has happened since San Antonio. One big event was my recent training field trip to South Carolina. Here are just a few pictures of what field work and field trips are like for a geologist working in the oil industry. Not a bad life if I say so myself.

Scraping the walls smooth in a trench that we just dug. We are looking at the wave formed sand dunes along the beach.

Here with my new friend Tom after our intense mud fight that left mud in places mud should never be... i.e. ears, teeth... well you get the picture.

Stewart, Emily and me posing with one of the drowned trees.

My new gang of geology friends: Stewart, Natasha, Tom, Me, and Emily after our mud fight.

Digging a trench.. see geologists do actual hard physical labor while they are on field trips... ok, it was the only physical labor we did all week.

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